Friday, December 21, 2012

Export to Excel

Export to Excel a Report on Web

Exporting a report in Excel format is usually a requirement in most of the web application now a days. The administrator or the manager needs to generate different reports in excel, pdf or word format. Here is a common utility to generate report in excel.

  • Export report in Excel format.
  • Generic way to generate report with MxN rows & columns

Download the source code here:

Technologies and tools used:

  • Java 1.6 or above
  • Spring 3.1
  • Eclipse (with dynamic web application support)

Step 1:

Set up a Java EE based web application with MVC support. I have used Spring 3.1 MVC in this example.

Step 2: 
Create a controller class and a method (end point) to serve the request for export. Usually the method accept POST request to submit a form based on which the report should be generated. In this example, the generated report contains static data of employees. The controller retrieves (static) data from business layer and invokes the utility to generate report.

public class ExcelController {

protected ExcelService excelService = new ExcelService();

@RequestMapping(value = "/export")
public ModelAndView save(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

System.out.println("Export called");
List<Employee> employeeList = excelService.getAllEmployees();
return null;


Step 3:
Iterate the list of employees (Collection of domain objects) and convert each employee's (domain object's) details into list of String (List<String>). Finally prepare List of List of String.
List<List<String>> employeeDetailsMasterList = convertToListOfList(employeeList);

private List<List<String>> convertToListOfList(List<Employee> employeeList) {

List<List<String>> masterList = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
ListIterator<Employee> iterator = employeeList.listIterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
Employee emp =;
List<String> empDetails = new ArrayList<String>();
return masterList;

Step 4:
Prepare a list of name of column / header. Add this list in the list prepared in step 3 above at zeroth positions.
List<String> myReportHeader = getTrainingReportHeader();
employeeDetailsMasterList.add(0, myReportHeader);

Step 5:
Prepare the workBook object from the List of List of String. Use the POI api to generate the work book object as shown below

HSSFWorkbook workBook = ExcelUtils.prepareWorkBook(employeeDetailsMasterList, "Test Report");

Step 6:
Finally write the work book on the response object. This is allow the user to download the report in excel format.

ExcelUtils.generateReport(response, workBook, "Test Report");

Putting all the above steps together, we have following three important methods:
public class ExcelController {

protected ExcelService excelService = new ExcelService();

@RequestMapping(value = "/export")
public ModelAndView save(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

System.out.println("Export called");
List<Employee> employeeList = excelService.getAllEmployees();
List<List<String>> employeeDetailsMasterList = convertToListOfList(employeeList);
List<String> myReportHeader = getTrainingReportHeader();
employeeDetailsMasterList.add(0, myReportHeader);
HSSFWorkbook workBook = ExcelUtils.prepareWorkBook(employeeDetailsMasterList, "Test Report");
ExcelUtils.generateReport(response, workBook, "Test Report");
return null;
public static void generateReport(HttpServletResponse response,
HSSFWorkbook workBook, String workSheetName) throws IOException {

// set specific response content type for xls files.
response.setContentType("application/; charset=utf-8");
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="
+ workSheetName + ".xls");
* With this we let the browser know what the default name should be for
* the user to save this file.
ServletOutputStream servletOutputStream = response.getOutputStream(); workBook.write(servletOutputStream);
public static HSSFWorkbook prepareWorkBook(List<List<String>> reportList, String workSheetName) {

final String METHOD_NAME = "convertListToExcel";
System.out.println("Entered " + METHOD_NAME);

if (StringUtils.isNullOrBlank(workSheetName)) {
int lengthOfColumns = ((List<String>) reportList.get(0)).size();

// Do the POI Things to generate the Excel File create a new workbook
HSSFWorkbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = workBook.createSheet(workSheetName);

* This Part Contains The Cell Formatting Stuff.
* ********************************************/
// Create a Font For Header
HSSFFont headerFont = workBook.createFont();

// create a style for the header Columns
HSSFCellStyle columnHeaderStyle = workBook.createCellStyle();

// Create a Font For Data Rows
HSSFFont rowFont = workBook.createFont();

// create a style for the Records In Next Rows
HSSFCellStyle rowCellStyle = workBook.createCellStyle();

HSSFRow[] headerRow = new HSSFRow[reportList.size()];
ListIterator<List<String>> outerListIterator = reportList

// Create Header Row
if (outerListIterator.hasNext()) {

int rowIndex = outerListIterator.nextIndex();
List<String> innerList =;

headerRow[rowIndex] = sheet.createRow((short) rowIndex);
HSSFCell[] headerColumns = new HSSFCell[lengthOfColumns];

ListIterator<String> innerListIterator = innerList.listIterator();
while (innerListIterator.hasNext()) {
int columnIndex = innerListIterator.nextIndex();
headerColumns[columnIndex] = headerRow[rowIndex]

String cellValue =;

// Create other Row(s)
while (outerListIterator.hasNext()) {

int rowIndex = outerListIterator.nextIndex();
List<String> innerList =;

headerRow[rowIndex] = sheet.createRow((short) rowIndex);
HSSFCell[] headerColumns = new HSSFCell[innerList.size()];

// Create Data for the Header Row
ListIterator<String> innerListIterator = innerList.listIterator();
while (innerListIterator.hasNext()) {
int columnIndex = innerListIterator.nextIndex();
headerColumns[columnIndex] = headerRow[rowIndex]

String cellValue =;
return workBook;

1 comment:

ssp said...

The blog is very useful

Can you suggest me how to export dynamic set of column data to excel?

I have to export data to excel which will be dynamically generated on every execution and get saved in List Object,

I have to obtain individual values into every column,